Fourth Senior Officials Meeting

Location: Bali, IndonesiaDate: 10 March 2011
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The Co-Chairs of the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime (Bali Process) hosted the fourth meeting of senior officials in Bali, Indonesia on 10 March 2011.

Participants highlighted that trafficking in persons was an issue of ongoing concern to many countries in the region and affirmed the need for additional cooperation to assist member states to strengthen capacity to address trafficking in persons, including victim assistance and protection. During the session devoted to trafficking in persons, Indonesia provided delegates with some very useful insights on trends and key priorities in the field of trafficking, and Cambodia updated participants on the array of measures it applies against trafficking syndicates. Participants affirmed that people smuggling and trafficking in persons are related but distinct crimes, and that each
requires a targeted response.

Participants expressed concern about the particular vulnerability of victims of trafficking, especially women and children. Participants agreed on the need to observe the problem of trafficking in persons from two points of view: a broad migration and development approach; and a more specific approach of crime prevention and law enforcement. Participants highlighted the significance of raising awareness about the issue of trafficking as part of broader prevention measures.  Participants also underlined the importance of implementation of effective legislation, and welcomed increased cooperation on this matter.

Participants supported the enhanced focus in the Bali Process on trafficking in persons issues, including the initiative to have a regional workshop on trafficking in persons under the Bali Process in collaboration with related international and regional organisations.