Sixth Annual Meeting of the Trafficking in Persons Working Group

Location: VirtualDate: 10 November 2020
Online-working-min Image

On 10 November 2020, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Australian Border Force co-chaired the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Bali Process Trafficking in Persons Working Group (TIPWG). The meeting was held virtually and was attended by 65 participants from TIPWG member countries and international organisations.

Co-Chairs welcomed all attendees and acknowledged the TIPWG as an important mechanism for Bali Process members to share information, best practices and emerging trends. Co-Chairs acknowledged the added challenge of combating trafficking in persons during the COVID-19 pandemic and noted the importance of the TIPWG coming together to discuss these issues.

Additionally, members discussed key outcomes from the Bali Process Workshop on the Compendium of Good Practice Examples to Combat Exploitation in Supply Chains (Compendium) which took place on 5 November 2020 as well as issues regarding challenges responding to trafficking in persons as recovery from the COVID-19 and possible partnerships in supporting and protecting migrant workers.