Second Bali Process Business and Government Forum (Nusa Dua Forum)

Location: Bali, IndonesiaDate: 06 August 2018
GABF Image

Since the inaugural Bali Process Government and Business Forum (the Perth Forum), extensive consultations have been held with businesses across the region in preparation for the Second Bali Process Government and Business Forum - the 2018 Nusa Dua Forum.

Through multiple workshops, roundtables and calls, the Secretariat was able to identify common patterns and key themes. An Expert panel, consisting of civil society groups, international organisations, consultants and academics across the region, played a crucial role in formulating the way forward.

The resulting Acknowledge, Act, and Advance recommendations, (AAA recommendations) seek to provide a roadmap forward for action by both Government and Business, and set out a pathway for both business and government to contribute to the eradication of these transnational crimes

Momentum on this issue included governments actively legislating or openly discussing supply chains legislation (Australia and Hong Kong), and businesses actively leading on the issue, demonstrated by the world’s first modern slavery statements in a number of implementing countries. Other business leaders have spearheaded media campaigns and hosted key seminars with top business leaders and ministers.

Business and government must continue to work together by: acknowledging the scale of the problem, acting to strengthen and implement policy and legal frameworks, and advancing efforts over the long term, so that modern slavery can be eliminated.