Sixth Bali Process Meeting of the Technical Experts Group on Returns and Reintegration

Location: Bangkok, Thailand Date: 04 - 06 March 2024
teg-rr group photo Image

The Bali Process Technical Experts Group on Returns and Reintegration (TEG-RR) brings together practitioners and experts from Bali Process member states and organisations, who are working to enhance the effectiveness of return as a strategy to address irregular migration, and to support timely, safe and dignified return of migrants who wish to return to their countries of origin. Through the forum, members are able to share information on returns and reintegration issues, including key policy initiatives, trends and issues, and to identify opportunities for cooperation and capacity building.  This TEG-RR intends to promote collaboration across Bali Process work streams and progress in the implementation of the 2023 Adelaide Strategy for Cooperation (Adelaide Strategy) by:

  • Promoting victim-centric approaches to the relevant management of people smuggling and trafficking in persons.
  • Supporting members to explore, develop and strengthen policies and procedures on returns and reintegration.
  • Strengthening consultation and collaboration across Working Groups on the inter-related issues of irregular migration, in order to streamline and enhance the effectiveness of the Bali Process.

4-5 March 2024: The Sixth Meeting of the TEG-RR

The Sixth Meeting focused on two main themes: the returns and reintegration of trafficking victims and the returns and reintegration of vulnerable migrants. Over two days, officials participated in workshops, including presentations, examples of best practices on returns and reintegration, and group-work activities. Each of these activities provided a space for members to raise priority issues, share ideas and foster cross-border knowledge-sharing.

6 March 2024: TEG-RR FWP Drafting Session

The TEG-RR members began the development of the Forward Work Plan (FWP) which will guide the future activities of the TEG-RR in the region.